Dungeons of Infinity offers many fresh takes on the dungeon crawl game.
You could play the game 1,000 times and never expereince the same dungeon twice. Which really enhances replayability.
As you explore the dungeon you literally do not know what you will find next. The dungeon is built as you play.
The strategy will change with each game, with each room you enter. The constant ebes and flows in the dungeon will make each game a very unique experience.
Not only are you hunting but you are being hunted. You must keep track of the amount of noise you are making as you travel the dungeon. Make to much and you have been found!
This game has been a labor of love and we very much look forward to bring it to you.
We are very excited that Prabath Wijayantha has agreed to do the art for the game. NextG Design is doing the card layouts. I have a team of people lovingly doing play testing.
We are very early in this process. The goal is to Kick Start the game after Gen con in Indianapolis. Hopefully September 2016 with delivery in Spring of 2017.
I designed this game as game I would love to play. I have succeded as I love playing it and I hope you will also.
Check back often as I will be posting art and card designs and talk game play.
With Much Passion,
Jack Spoerner
Owner and founder of Infinity and More
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